Turku Energia Sähköverkot Oy
The electricity route to your home or business always runs along the cables and lines of your local electricity network company. In the City of Turku, electricity distribution is mainly handled by Turku Energia Sähköverkot Oy.

Our goal is to continuously improve security of supply
We take care of the supply of electrical energy to the customers of our business area. We develop our electricity network to meet the needs of our customers. Our goal is high-quality and affordable electricity distribution. Our pricing is one of the cheapest in the country in a nationwide comparison.
Our distribution network covers almost the whole of Turku
If you live or operate in the Turku city area, excluding the Paattinen area, Turku Energia Sähköverkot Oy is the company with which you enter into agreements related to electricity network operations.
We are responsible for the distribution and transmission of electricity in the area shown in the map.
If you also need an electricity contract, enter into it with the electricity sales company of your choice.