Louna Nero electricity contract combines the best of both worlds
The Louna Nero electricity contract combines the security of a fixed-rate contract with the inexpensiveness of an hourly-based contract. Half of your hourly electricity consumption will be invoiced based on the fixed rate and half with the market price-based spot rate.
7.95 c/kWhBasic fee: €5.15/mthsExchange electricity: 0.49 c/kWh + 50 % spot ratePrice vat: 25.5%The contract is fixed-term, 12 months

Did you know these things before making an electricity contract?
The product includes environmentally friendly electronic transactions and billing. If you prefer, you can also choose paper transactions by contacting our customer service.
Please note that by making an electricity contract with us, you authorize Turku Energia to make a network service agreement in your name with the distribution network operator and to take the necessary steps to start the electricity supply with your current electricity seller.
By making an electricity contract with us, you confirm that you have the right to make an electricity contract for the specified usage location and that any other parties to the contract approve this action.
How Louna Nero electricity contract works
In the Louna Nero contract, half of your hourly electricity consumption will be billed based on the fixed rate and the half with the market price-based spot rate. The consumed energy will be invoiced monthly.
You can save on your electricity bill by making use of the cheapest moments of electricity production. For example, you could heat the sauna only when the rate is lower. If your electricity consumption is focused on more expensive hours, your electricity invoice may be higher than usual. There may be seasonal fluctuations in the hourly price of electricity, for example during the heating season the average price level may be significantly higher.
You consume 1kWh of electricity during a given hour. You will pay the fixed rate (8,83 c/kWh) for 50% of the energy consumed, i.e. for 0,5 kWh. For the other 0,5 kWh, you will pay the exchange electricity rate (e.g. 12 c/kWh) plus the brokerage fee specified in the contract (0.49 c/kWh).
Fixed-rate share (50%) equals 0,5 kWh, for which the price is 4,42 c/kWh
The exchange electricity rate (50%) for the hour is 12 c/kWh + brokerage fee 0.49 c/kWh, 6,245 c/kWh in total.
Total rate for the hour: 10,67 c/kWh
The invoice includes the consumption-weighted average rates for both the fixed-rate and the exchange-rate shares of the price. In the EnergiaOnline service, you can find an hourly breakdown of your consumption, including both the fixed-rate and the exchange-rate shares of consumption as well as the basic fee amount.
Contact us in the chat at the right side of turkuenergia.fi, open Mon–Fri 8.00–18.00. Our customer service will make a contract for you.
Or call our customer service: 02 262 8111
You are also welcome to make the contract in our online service, which is open 24/7, but unfortunately the service is only in Finnish. If you need the contract to take effect on the same day, contact our customer service directly.
Why choose the Louna Nero electricity contract
You can save on your electric bill by shifting your electricity usage to off-peak hours by planning ahead or using timers.
You can see tomorrow's spot rates today from e.g. Fingrid's Tuntihinta mobile app, which you can download on your phone.
The fixed-rate share of the Louna Nero electricity contract is the same throughout the contract period, i.e. 12 months. This way, the fluctuations in the market price will not fully affect the price of the electricity you consume.
The electricity for the contract is generated 100% with nuclear power in Finland and Europe.
The terms and additional services of the Louna Nero electricity contract
The contract is fixed-term (12 months) and will expire at the end of the term. If you have not entered into a new fixed-term contract, we will secure your supply of electricity with a new non-fixed-term contract for an electricity sales product that is in accordance with our obligation to deliver.
The Turku Energia Terms of Electricity Sales shall be applied to this contract. The up-to-date list of Electricity Sales service charges is available at the same page.
The annual amount of energy in the consumer customer's electricity contract can be a maximum of 60,000 kWh. If the consumer customer's annual consumption exceeds the above-mentioned amount, the contract is exchanged for one that better corresponds to the consumption amount. If you are a corporate customer, see our electricity contracts for companies (in Finnish).
As a regular customer, you get access to more than 70 different benefits, including restaurants, theaters, car shops, interior design shops and hobbies. Read more in Finnish
Your electricity is produced with 100% renewable energy. However, you can do some extra environmental work by subscribing to the Ekotakuu Extra service. The service collects funds for the Finnish Nature Heritage Foundation for protecting forests in Southwest Finland.
The price of the service is €0.50/month, which will be billed on your electricity bill. You can opt for the service when making an electricity contract or by contacting our customer service. The Ekotakuu Extra service is valid until further notice and follows the validity of the electricity contract.
As our customer you receive loyalty benefits and discounts
Eturinki is Turku Energy's customer loyalty program, through which you gain valuable benefits from dozens of businesses and online stores. You automatically get to take advantage of diverse benefits when you're a consumer customer of electricity or heat. You can redeem the benefits in stores by presenting either your electronic or paper discount card.